Inclusion Incident Reporting

100% Anonymous | 100% Independent

The Issue:

Raising issues that relate to race, gender, language, culture, religion and many other elements such as favouritism, general discrimination, sexual harassment and homophobia can be sensitive. It is, however, important for Iress to know about these issues and behaviours so that they can continue working to address them.

The Solution:

The Cohesion Collective Inclusion Incident Reporting Box. This Box is 100% Anonymous and 100% Independent. While we do not need your name, email address or department to complete the form, we have made the following categories OPTIONAL, should you wish to include them: race, gender, name, surname, team and department. We will handle all Reports as strictly confidential and only disclose information that we believe to be important.

The Process:

As mentioned above, this Incident Reporting Box is 100% Anonymous and 100% Independent! As reports come in, we put them together in a monthly report that we provide to Iress. In this report, there are no names, departments or any identifiable criteria (unless a report opts to have them included). We only include comments from which our team of professionals then advise Iress on how to resolve or handle these reports sensitively, safely and professionally.

inclusion Incident reporting box
