We provide a wide range of engaging, impactful and expertly-facilitated training modules, both in-person and virtually. CoCo’s training programmes were created with the understanding that, when it comes to shifting people’s behaviours, progress can most effectively be achieved by encouraging people to tackle the underlying causes – their feelings, beliefs, and learned internal narratives – and giving them the tools to become conscious about their internal inclusion journey. Our main aim is to influence positive behaviour change at every level of the organisation.


There is often so much information, misinformation, anxiety and urgency around matters relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) that cloud or frustrate a clear understanding of what we actually aim to achieve. As such, it is imperative to establish a solid foundational understanding of what we are talking about when we talk inclusion.

Our biases inform how we engage with the world and other people, even – or particularly – when we are not conscious of them. Our unconscious bias training moves away from the traditional approach of exposing bias, rather shifting to how bias affects our decision making!

Any change in an organisation’s culture and policies must be driven from the top in order to be effective. Inclusive leadership creates an environment that encourages inclusive behaviours in others and sparks positive shifts at all levels to create a more productive and engaged workforce.